Career Requirements
- Candidates must have demonstrated excellence in at least one primary domain. Secondary domains will also be considered in the selection of a candidate for the award. Domain categories and criteria include:
- Research. Receipt of independent funding, publication and presentation of research findings, and a brief description of how this work has impacted the clinical and/or research field of spinal cord injury.
- Efforts that have improved education in the field of spinal cord injury.
- Clinical Practice. Excellence in providing and advancing practices of spinal cord injury clinical care.
- Advocating for national and international recognition for advances in the field of spinal cord injury, and for endeavors that improve research and clinical care.
- Longstanding service in ASIA and other entities in the field of spinal cord injury with ASIA committee leadership, board membership, board officer duties, and within other foundations or societies, advisory committees, grant review panels, and the like.
Organizational Requirements
- The candidate should have an outstanding record of active membership and service to ASIA for 10 years up to the point of nomination. Presentation of research or clinical findings, leadership in workshops, committee participation and leadership, and organizational oversight (past board service, especially officer duties) of the organization will all be considered.
- Editorial service to journals associated with the organization does not necessarily justify nomination, although this service may be considered within the overall evaluation of the applicant.
Membership/Eligibility Requirements
- Current members of the Board of Directors and members of the Fellowship Subcommittee are ineligible for nomination. Past members may be nominated, but must satisfy all other eligibility standards.
Nomination Procedure
- Members of ASIA may nominate candidates.
- Two additional members of ASIA must endorse a nomination.
- Board members are eligible to nominate and endorse candidates.
Required Materials
- Curriculum Vitae, including research, education, clinical practice, advocacy, and service to ASIA or other spinal cord injury entities. To facilitate review, the Curriculum Vitae must be designed to clearly delineate each one of these five categories. It should also clearly state the years in which the activities occurred, and the duration of tenure in service to ASIA over this period.
- Nomination letter from member with names of endorsers listed.