December, 2023
Message from ASIA’s President:
Let’s CELEBRATE 2023 and EMBRACE 2024
It’s hard to believe that the end of the year is upon us. During this holiday season we’d like to CELEBRATE our 2023 accomplishments and give everyone a few gifts to share with your institutions, colleagues, patients, and others:
- There was record attendance at our 2023 ASIA annual meeting in Atlanta, GA with over 450 attendees and 226 scientific presentations
- We had our first pre-course on adaptive sports, which was integrated throughout the meeting
- Wanting to hear the voices of ASIA, we developed and implemented a new 5-year strategic plan that was a collaborative effort of ASIA leadership and committee members
- Topics in SCI Rehabilitation became the leader in SCI journals with an impact factor of 2.9

- UroStep has been launched in the ASIA E-learning Center

- Our Rehabilitation Standards Committee published the DME and SCI Travelers Guides, which was sent to hundreds of hospitals in the United States (big thanks to the Lanig Family Fund/Rose Community Foundation for sponsoring;)
THE DME GUIDE THE SCI TRAVELER - Our Americas Committee is translating the DME and Travelers Guide so that this resource can be accessible to Latin American countries
- ASIA committees are sharing ASIA education at other meetings, including Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Unite 2 Fight, ISCoS, ASCIP, ISRT and others
- The ASIA podcast team produced 7 podcasts both for professionals and the lay public
PODCASTS - Early Career webinars continue to support the growth and development of our future leaders
- We launched an 8-week methodology research training course in Latin America
- Updates to the ISNCSCI and ISAFSCI Worksheets and website pages have been implemented to ensure appropriate use of ASIA products.
STAY TUNED IN 2024! ASIA has BIG plans to:
- Re-invest in our website
- Venture to a new location for our annual meeting. See you in San Juan!;
- Offer THREE precourses to the ASIA annual meeting in Puerto Rico
- Produce a Pregnancy, Parenting and Lactation manual, (ASIA Standards Committee)
- Get your feedback through a new Membership Survey
- Develop the Upper Extremity e-Learning Course
- Launch the ASTeP e-Learning Course
- Transition our leadership. Nominations are being accepted now for the Board of Directors.
- Big thanks to our dedicated Board members, Committee Chairs, and Committee members. We appreciate the gifts you give of your time and expertise throughout the year.
Suzanne Groah, MD, MSPH